Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Did you hear what I heard?

a little birdy whispered in my ear and
told me a gorgeous little red robin was flying into town,
with her three wild chickys!
And how did I find that out?
That's a secret I'll never tell......haha.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ever seen a goat jump on a trampoline?

Labor day we got invited to a couples house for some amazing barbeque and some raucous fun and laughter. They have a very farm-esque home...very fun place to have children. They had a trampoline, a pool, an orchard, an old 1930's style house to run circles in...and...two goats and a rooster, as pets. Seriously, it was amazing. And at one point the dad decided the goats needed to jump with the kids, and I HAD TO get it on video. I mean seriously, a goat on a trampoline?! DOES IT GET ANY MORE HILARIOUS?!!?? No my dear follower, it really does not.
So here's to labor day and farm animals...ha ha ha.